Friday, January 12, 2007

There is a commercial on tv where a little red cartoon guy pretends that he is galloping across the screen, while making galloping sounds. He has a big cheesy grin on his face. Then he stops, makes a loud raspberry noise, and exclaims, "I pooted!" Then he gallops back off the screen. Sammy laughs hysterically when he sees it. And now when he poots, he smiles like the little red guy and exclaims proudly, "I pooted!"

Last night we were stuck in traffic in FV. We sat in front of Golden Corral for awhile and Sammy started fussing. I didn't know what he wanted until I saw he was pointing to the restaurant. He said I wanna go Frawl. So his new favorite restaurant is the Frawl. He likes to get all sorts of beans, grapes, and rolls for dinner. Then he enjoys a chocolate ice cream sundae, except he doesn't eat the ice cream. He likes to pick the m and m's off with his fingers. But he won't eat the m and m's unless they are on top of ice cream.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

January 2, 2007

Sammy had a great Christmas. He got way too many presents. He was so excited about his TV and Bob House that he did not want to open any more presents. He cried and threw a fit when we told him we had to go finish opening presents.

On a more serious note, Sammy had his adenoids removed on the 28th. At first, all seemed well. He was really excited to get out of the hospital and go HOME. We watched movies most of the time for two days. He really likes Cars and Ice Age. He also invented a new game. We have a box of plastic leis in the game room. He calls it his Wiggly Party. He throws them up in the air and sings the wiggly party song. Then he buries his feet and legs and then throws them in the air again. He did this New Year's day until we had to make him stop because he was so exhausted.