Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Sammy is such a ham. He loves to be the center of attention, and now he is taking credit for his performances. After he dances, sings, jumps, flips, or does a trick, he says, "Ta da!" Then he bows and says, "Thank you, Thank you." He was doing it in the driveway this morning while Daddy was trying to get him in the car.

His other favorite new thing is to wear Daddy's floppy civil war hat around. When he has the hat on, he is a cowboy. He cannot walk any where, he must gallop and yell, "Giddeeup!" He was excited this morning because Daddy found a similar, but less important, hat for him to wear to school today. He was thrilled and told everyone he saw to giddeeup this morning, even Willie and Big Kitty.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

May 3, 2007

Sammy is a big fan of anything Peter Pan or pirates. Yesterday we had to wait while my tire was being fixed and they had a generic pirate ship with pirate guys to play with. Sammy was so excited to see it, and he immediately named the pirates. One guy was Captain Hook, another was Peter Pan... Then when we got home, I recorded "Treasure Planet." So we watched it, and he proceeded to name all of the characters Captain Hook and Peter Pan. Peter Pan is his favorite bedtime story too. He likes to get his little Peter Pan and Captain Hook guys and reinact the fights as we read.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sammy is a rambunctious two year-old, who frequently gets boo boos, only he doesn't call them that. There is a TV show that he watches sometimes called Blue's Clues. The basic idea is that a dog named Blue helps his human friend to seach for the answer to a riddle. He finds clues because they are labeled with the dog's blue paw print. When they find a clue, they yell, "A clue, a clue!" Sammy recently had a big bruise on his shin. I asked him about it and he told me very proudly that he had a clue! So whenever he gets hurt, he proudly tells me that it means he is going to get another clue. I dropped a rack on my foot yesterday, and Sammy walked up behind me and said, "Yay Mommy! You're going to get a clue!"